Thursday, August 26, 2021

2020 Downunderground Australian Flatland Championships

 Due to the COVID19 pandemic, 2020 2020 Downunderground Australian Flatland Championships took place online... I ended up 1st in Expert class by mistake, as I entered this class by mistake but I appreciate a lot the positive comments and the kind words of the judges, as they can be heard in the relative video on Youtube...! A big thank you to everyone organizing and participating in this online contest and especially to Colony BMX brand and Freestylenow for the nice gifts they sent me...! Pure Flatland Motivation...!

2020 Downundergound full Youtube video 

Gifts for my 1st place in Expert in 2020 Downunderground Australian Flatland Championships

2021 UFL

 2021 Ultimate Flatland League has ended and my final place was 14th in men pro category. I passed in 14th place from Round 1- Ground Tactics to Round 2- Master of Creativity and ended 14th in Master of Creativity, not managing to pass to the Finals. The level of all the riders was too high...! Flatland at its best...!

2021 UFL Round 1- Ground Tactics

2021 UFL Round 2- MOC